Aristid Von Wurtzler

Aristed Von Wurtzler

Founder and Director of the New York Harp Ensemble. Noted harpist, Conductor, Composer and Pedagogue. Beside creating the New York Harp Ensemble it was his ambition to be a conductor. During the concert tour in 1997 he was touring with Sylvia Kowalczuk, who was a soloist with various symphony orchestras in Hungary, he actually conducted full concerts. The last concert was in Pecsi, Page Filharmonic in Hungary. That night after the concert he passed away.

Harpist Sylvia 2021reducedProffessor von Wurtzler published a book about his life and the history of the ensemble, ‘Talking About Harp’ . In it he expressed that it was his wish for Sylvia Kowalczuk to become his successor. Before his passing, Aristed von Wurtzler received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Hungarian government for his accomplishments in music.

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